Tuesday, October 25, 2011

20 freeeeeebies about me!

1. God. Ultimate. My life.

2. I attend the YOU of A. Go hogs go.

3. That would be my favorite number. Birthday is February 3, 1993. There are three kids in my family. I am the third perso in my family. I cried for literally days when my mom told me I had to turn four. Up until recently threes have never done me wrong.

4. RFC. Love them. Couldn't and wouldn't be the person I am today without...

5. Shopaholic. It's bad. Real bad. But acceptance is the first step.

6. I worry all the time. I overthin every and any situation.

7. My mom= most amazing woman to walk this earth. She is pretty tough. Christian example to the hilt.

8. I am a planner and a dreamer.

9. Following number 8 though, I have no clue what I am down with my life. I thought I did recently.. But realizes God had a different plan. So I hand it over to him fully to make it happen.

10. I am a nursing student now. I want to be a pediatric nurse anethesist someday!

11. I love watermelon and HOMEADE ice cream. --but not together.

12. Love to travel. Been to 43 states and out of the country several times.

14. Because I feel the need to skip 13; feeling slightly superstitious today.

15. Hate: liars, cheaters, snakes, and mice.

16. Love: pandas, jewelry, and chic-fil-a lemonade.

17. I hate small towns. I got so annoyed with the hick a d excessive country style from my past residence. I was extremely sophisticated for my kind, but i have quickly learned how sketch some of the things I say are. :/ I'll work on it!

18. Love my friends. We can sit and just talk for hours or do the craziest things you couldn't even dream up if you tried! ;)

19. I love my grandpa more than any man on this earth. He is a solid firm foundation.

20. I have a miniature poodle, Madie and a mini shih tzu, mistletoe! Miss them like crazy.

-- I am blessed beyond words.


  1. Haha thanks girl! It is me.. Glad someone can appreciate my random and short attention span.
